Our Principles

JMC² is more than just an engineering firm. JMC² is a team of customer service experts, dedicated to to each client. To achieve this end, we have a set of principles in place to guide interactions with clients and with each other. The below principles help us ensure that we maintain tailored customer service and a high standard of care.
“All Company decisions must conform to the Strategic Objective, Operating Principles, and Working Procedure documents.”
Business Development
People like to work with people they like. So we will be good listeners, be friendly, and smile. The whole idea is get to know people we meet since anyone could be a future customer or a source of a referral so do what you can to provide them the information necessary to contact you in the future.
We are communicating complex information to a wide variety of people, so we need to be clear and accurate in our communications. All written communications, including plans, reports, emails, letters, etc., need to have correct spelling and grammar. When we speak we talk clearly so our audience can hear and understand us.
JMC² does not exist without customers – they are everything. They pay our bills and if they are happy then they will refer us to more customers.
Customer Service
As previously stated, we do not exist without our customers, so how do we maximize our service to them? First, we realize that everyone with whom we are in contact is a customer, a possible customer, or a referral source. With that in mind, we treat everyone equally and honestly with a smile on our face. When people talk to us we listen, when they write to us we write back to them, and when they call and leave us a message we call them back as quick as possible. We do our job as best we can with a positive attitude at all time. If you can’t help someone then you will find someone else or another way to assist. We don’t even want one negative experience.
Project meetings and phone calls need to be documented so we can keep records as to why we take the action we do. Any information that affects our professional work should be written down and saved in a location that can be easily retrieved.
Our staff has the mental and physical power to work hard and in earnest to achieve worthy and difficult endeavors. Even though every project we do is unique and one-of-kind, we will break each down into quantifiable tasks (a series of efforts) where we can focus our efforts to ultimately develop our work for the whole project. We don’t give up, and we do what’s in our power to finish our work.
Emergencies are a fact of life so we need to have as many systems in place to make sure we can prevent them from happening in the first place. We need to be proactive since accidents and other emergencies will occur. We will plan for them before they happen.
The company can’t function without having the right equipment working at the speed of our capabilities. If something doesn’t work then we find a quick workaround while we fix what is broken. Also, we proactively look for future potential equipment problems and have contingencies ready while bringing in upgrades. We will choose equipment that accelerates our work not disables it.
We are hired by our customers because they trust us. If you make a mistake then we quickly discuss internally our next steps to fix it. Once this plan of action is developed then we involve the project team and client as to what has happened and what we recommend to do. We want our customers to trust us, to know we are ethical, and to know we are working hard and quickly to fix our mistakes. We will much more likely be fired for dishonesty than an honest mistake.
You need to learn to lose before you can learn to win. This is the same with mistakes. You need to make mistakes and not be afraid to make mistakes in order to learn and to grow professionally. Still, if you are unsure about something then ask your resources (co-workers, other professionals, etc.). Don’t allow work to go out if you are unsure of its integrity. If you need more time to get something right, that’s okay. Just let our customers know that we need more time. The key is to not make the same mistake twice.
Pursuing strong and growing markets while sticking to what we do best will ensure that we can persevere regardless of our environment (which we can’t control). We will find ways to stay out of trouble and to grow our customer base in whatever ethical means possible.
We are in the professional service industry, so it is incumbent upon us that we have the necessary skills, good judgment, and polite behavior to suit our customers. We will instill confidence in those around us that we care about what we do and how we perform.
Project Management Organization (PMO)
Every project is equally important at JMC², and we will find ways to finish projects for our customers in the most expeditious way possible. Projects are controlled by time, quality, costs, and client value. We are defined by our reputation showcased by our projects. Before we start our work, we always need to understand our client’s project goals and keep those goals top mind from start to finish.
We get things done on time because we respect the time of others. Our work is not done in a vacuum but rather within teams of professionals both internal and external. If you say you will get something done by a certain time then you will do what it takes to honor that commitment without risking the integrity of the work.
The greatest honor any company can have is to be referred by others. It proves we’re doing something right, and they are willing to put their own reputation in our hands. We will work hard to get referrals and prove we are worthy of the referrals we receive.
Repeat Business
It’s much quicker and easier to get repeat business and not have to build trust among new prospects. We will stay attentive to all of our clients and never take them granted. In fact, we will ask them for time to time if they are happy with our work.
It takes a great deal of time to close our sales proposals and we have tremendous competition, so it’s critical we stay attentive at all times. Many things can affect sales including late correspondence, incorrectly written proposals, tarnished reputation, etc., so we need to not do these things. We strive to maximize closing sales contracts.
What we do does not have to be complicated and we need to remember we are not creating plans for civil engineers. In fact, all it should take is common sense to figure out the right actions to take. Because our work is translated and followed by others who have yet to know or meet, we need to keep our work simple so that anyone ‘off the street’ can understand our intentions and work from our reports and plans without further questions or corrections.
Task Management
Every detail of our work needs our fullest attention; that is why projects are broken from phases down into tasks. Even though tasks can be worked on individually, it is incumbent upon us to constantly understand the big picture of the project defined by time, cost, and value to the customer.
Team Work
Every person working at JMC² has an important role to keep the company functioning properly, and no job is beneath any one of us. If you need help, don’t ever be afraid to ask; if someone asks you for help, take the time to help.
Time Management
In this business, professional services are very competitive. We believe in getting our work done versus spending time in the office; therefore, we will be efficient with our time in ways that work best for each of us.
Double checking our work keeps us out trouble, makes or breaks our reputation, helps build trust, and is what helps us maintain our customers. Every document that goes out of the office needs to be checked by a peer or a supervisor to confirm spelling, design integrity, and appearance. We follow our written procedures for quality control and assurance.
Ask them! If you need to know something, quickly get the answers and your best resource is to ask questions. No one knows everything; asking questions is a sign of maturity and professionalism.
For more information about our principles and how they can help give you the best experience possible when working with us, reach out to us today!

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